Trial #19: Installing Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.1 SP1

less than 1 minute read


Microsoft User Experience Virtualization or UE-V has largely replaced more traditional roaming profiles. I’m currently rolling this out on Windows 7 to use sympathetically with the growing collection of Windows 10 machines which natively support UE-V and really doesn’t work well with roaming profiles. UE-V is available as part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack - MDOP.

I want to deploy with pdq using a silent installer.


If you only have an environment with both x64 and x86 machines use the “AnyCPU” installer with the following parameters

start /wait AgentSetup.exe /Silent /NoRestart AcceptLicenceTerms=True SettingsStoragePath="\\server\Share"

Alternatively save around an extra 10mb of file transfer and an unnecessary unzip and use a dedicated installer for x64 or x86

start /wait AgentSetupx64.msi /qn /NoRestart AcceptLicenseTerms=True SettingsStoragePath="\\server\Share"
start /wait AgentSetupx86.msi /qn /NoRestart AcceptLicenseTerms=True SettingsStoragePath="\\server\Share"


  • This seems to work well.
  • Beware /AcceptLicenseTerms=True or /SettingsStoragePath="\\server\Share" will both fail. This is typical of Public Parameters which do not require a leading / or -. However I learned my lesson here as hadn’t used them previously.
